
Acupuncture is a holistic approach to healing that dates back thousands of years in Asia. It involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body, called acupoints, to promote healing and balance of the body systems. The goal of acupuncture is to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and reduce pain, tension, and inflammation. Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, stress, and infertility. It is also used as a complementary therapy in conjunction with conventional medical treatments. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating various health conditions, making it a popular alternative medicine choice worldwide. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as a safe and effective treatment option for more than 40 different conditions.

How does Acupuncture work? 

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that has been developed over the past 2500 years. It is based on the belief that the body has a natural ability to heal itself, and that illness and pain occur when the body's energy, called Qi (pronounced "chee"), is out of balance. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, called acupoints, which are believed to be interconnected with the body's internal organs and systems. The acupuncture needles are inserted into these points to regulate the flow of Qi, promoting healing and balance in the body. Acupuncture points are also known as strong nervous system centers, and when a needle is inserted, it is believed to stimulate the nervous system and encourage it to heal itself. This in turn can help to reduce pain, inflammation, and tension in the body, and can also help to improve overall health and well-being. 

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture is generally considered a pain-free treatment, as the needles used are very thin and barely felt when inserted into the skin. Many patients report feeling only a slight prick or tingling sensation during the treatment, while others report feeling no pain at all. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or a dull ache around the needle site, but this is usually brief and subsides quickly. In some cases, patients may experience a sensation of warmth or heaviness in the area where the needles are inserted. This is considered a positive sign that the acupuncture is working and promoting healing. Overall, acupuncture is considered a safe and effective treatment option that is well-tolerated by most patients.

How does Acupuncture Help with Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is defined as "pain that persists for more than 12 weeks" and is one of the most common conditions people seek out acupuncture for. Chronic pain can be debilitating and can greatly affect one's quality of life. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment option for chronic pain that has worked for many people all over the world.

In the initial consultation, the patient's full health history will be discussed, as well as the history of the pain and/or injury. Thorough questions help to understand the root cause of the pain and can help determine any inflammation or imbalance in the body that could be a contributing factor. Once these details are discussed, the acupuncturist can determine which of the body's acupoints should be stimulated to encourage healing and recovery in the needed areas of your body.

How does Acupuncture Help with Fertility?

Acupuncture is an effective treatment option for infertility, which is a problem more common than you would think. Research has shown that acupuncture can help to balance hormones, reduce stress, and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, which can increase the chances of conception. It can also be used to address specific issues related to infertility such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. It can also be used to prepare the body for assisted reproductive technologies like IVF.

How Does Acupuncture Help with Sleep Disorders?

Insomnia can be caused by many different situations - stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, pain, allergies, sensitivities to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), chronic illness, and more. When someone is stuck in a stressful state for a long period of time, their adrenals can become overworked, causing adrenal fatigue. The most common pattern of adrenal fatigue includes being very tired in the morning and more energetic at night, making it difficult to sleep. Those who feel this way are great candidates for acupuncture therapy.

During the initial appointment, a thorough history including sleep patterns, stress, diet, and other important factors that can affect health are discussed. The acupuncture points are then chosen for the patient based on their specific needs. The patient will retain the needles while relaxing in a dark room, allowing their mind and nervous system to relax. Most people report that they fall asleep, and often come out of the appointment feeling more relaxed than they were when they first came in, and oftentimes it will be recommended that patients return for multiple sessions. Once the proper sleep pattern is attained, patients will typically only have sessions once a month or as needed, to help keep the nervous system relaxed.

How Does Acupuncture Help Mental Health?

Studies have found that acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms of mental illness, such as anxiety and depression, PTSD, and insomnia. The treatment is believed to work by regulating the body's nervous system and promote relaxation, reduce stress, improve sleep, balance hormones, and release endorphins.

It is important to note that acupuncture is not a substitute for conventional medical treatments, but it can be an effective complementary therapy for mental illnesses. As always, it is best to consult with a licensed acupuncturist and/or mental health professional to determine whether acupuncture is a suitable treatment option for your specific condition.

How does Acupuncture Injuries?

Acupuncture is a popular and effective alternative treatment option for sports medicine, as it can help to reduce pain, speed up recovery time, and improve healing for injuries. It helps reduce pain, inflammation, stress, and muscle tension as well as improve blood flow, which can assist in a speedy recovery and healing process. Acupuncture can help athletes to return to their activities quickly and help them perform better. Many professional athletes use acupuncture as a complementary treatment to improve their performance and prevent injuries. 

What else can be helped with acupuncture?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as a safe and effective treatment option for a wide range of conditions, including:

How Does Ananta Health approach Acupuncture Treatments?

At Ananta Health, a comprehensive and personalized approach is the backbone of our practise. During your hour-long appointment, your practitioner will conduct a thorough assessment of your condition, review your medical history, and discuss the contents of your intake form. Based on your individual needs and clinical findings, a customized treatment plan will be created for you, which may include more acupuncture sessions, cupping, Chinese herbs and supplements as well as BioScan SRT testing.

With our holistic approach, you can expect an in-depth and comprehensive treatment that addresses all aspects of your health and well-being.

Call or email today to book your first appointment!