Can Acupuncture Help With Anxiety?
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal response our body uses in order to deal with danger. When we experience anxiety our body’s response is to go in to “flight-fight-freeze” mode. When we are in actual danger this mode helps us perform our best, for example it can help us to run from a bear. Anxiety can also happen when there is perceived danger. An anxiety disorder occurs when excessive, unrealistic feeling of fear or worry cause the individual to avoid specific situations or develop compulsive behaviours in order to lessen the anxiety.В
What are the physical symptoms of anxiety?
When the “flight-fight-freeze” reaction take place, the following physical symptoms occur, while these symptoms are normal in a dangerous situation, if they become more persistent they may be an indication of a generalized anxiety disorder;
- Increased heart rate: This pumps blood to all areas of the body, enabling it run away or fight off danger.
- Rapid breathing: Helps oxygen circulate through the major muscle groups and organs.
- Sweating; Cools the body down.
- Stomach upset: When faced with danger, our body shuts down all processes that are deemed unnecessary. Blood flow is rerouted from the digestive system to the muscles and organs. This can cause nausea, diarrhea, or constipation.
- Dizziness: There is a slight decrease of blood flow to the brain, as well as an increase in breathing can cause hyperventilation which can create dizziness.
- Tight chest: Muscles become tense in the body and this can create pain in the chest as you are taking deep breaths.
- Numbness: Hyperventilating can cause numbness in the extremities. Numbness can also occur in the fingers and toes because blood flow is diverted to the bigger muscles.
- Bright vision: when dealing with danger, our pupils dilate so our vision is clear.
Are there other symptoms associated with anxiety?
The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder often include;
-a feeling of being on edge or restlessness, uncontrollable feelings of worry, increased irritability and sleep difficulties or insomnia
People with GAD often experience these to extreme or persistent levels, and this can affect day to day living.
How can Acupuncture help with anxiety?
Anxiety occurs when our bodies “fight-flight-freeze” mechanism becomes overactive. Acupuncture can be used to treat the sympathetic nervous system, and calm it. There are certain points on the body that work specifically to stimulate the vagus nerve and put the body into rest and relaxation. There are acupoints that also can help with overthinking, worry and fear.
At Ananta health, a patient can expect a thorough intake, where the Doctors will look at each individual’s medical history as well as all their signs and symptoms. Using this information they will create a unique treatment plan to help you deal with your specific symptoms of anxiety. Diet and lifestyle recommendations as well as supplements or a traditional Chinese formula will also be discussed with your treatment plan. Patients should expect to leave their sessions feeling more relaxed and more equipped to deal with their anxiety.